Did I Ever Tell You How Funny You Are?
I came home this evening and did the gardening equivalent of kicking a hole in the wall: I deadheaded my five magnificent daisy shrubs down to about 5 twigs each. I'd post a picture, but I'm far too ashamed.
Why did I do it? It suddenly dawned on me, on the way home, that I'm attempting to do the work of three people and getting the sum total of zero recognition or help for it. And if I want to fix the situation, I have to turn into an arrogant piece of turd and announce to the world my wonderful achievements. I live next to an arrogant piece of turd. I don't want to turn into one.
The other possibility is, I am not doing the work of three people, and I am just horribly misguided as to my capabilities - e.g. I'm completely and utterly fruit loops. Again, not an inspiring thought.
I am taking the advice of my dearest next of kin. I will not continue to post about the demon that compelled me to do a #1 buzz on my beloved plants.
Instead, I will post something that, In Spite Of It All, still made me laugh at the end of a very horrible day. It's David's reply to my math problem, which he could not post as a comment due to the jpeg content. Marvel at his pimpin' Photoshop skills:
A complex problem indeed…
Taking the original equation:
If you move the parentheses up and stick them on the end of the line thing then it looks a bit like a boat (please note use of plus sign as an outboard motor).
As idiots constantly attain positions for which they are utterly unsuitable, they are no doubt put in charge of the motor.
However, as idiots are the densest objects on display, their position at the back of the boat causes massive instability and, in accordance with laws of mechanics and naval architecture, the boat tips.
This ends in inevitable tragedy. The presence of idiots causes all compensation, talented people, retention and productivity to be sacrificed. The project sinks without a trace, all souls lost.
NOTE: Idiots somehow manage to survive in a small air pocket at the bottom of the ocean, from where they are later rescued after many adventures. I saw a (recently remade) documentary on it once.
So the answer is: something to do with jumping ship, or maybe rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.
Why did I do it? It suddenly dawned on me, on the way home, that I'm attempting to do the work of three people and getting the sum total of zero recognition or help for it. And if I want to fix the situation, I have to turn into an arrogant piece of turd and announce to the world my wonderful achievements. I live next to an arrogant piece of turd. I don't want to turn into one.
The other possibility is, I am not doing the work of three people, and I am just horribly misguided as to my capabilities - e.g. I'm completely and utterly fruit loops. Again, not an inspiring thought.
I am taking the advice of my dearest next of kin. I will not continue to post about the demon that compelled me to do a #1 buzz on my beloved plants.
Instead, I will post something that, In Spite Of It All, still made me laugh at the end of a very horrible day. It's David's reply to my math problem, which he could not post as a comment due to the jpeg content. Marvel at his pimpin' Photoshop skills:
A complex problem indeed…
Taking the original equation:

However, as idiots are the densest objects on display, their position at the back of the boat causes massive instability and, in accordance with laws of mechanics and naval architecture, the boat tips.

So the answer is: something to do with jumping ship, or maybe rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.
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