Pet (Print) Peeves
Ever since moving back to America, I have been utterly appalled by common Americans' unabashed willingness to flaunt everything about themselves on their car stickers. Where we live, the most prevalent things seem to be:
For the most part, that's as far as it goes: a slight unease at having to focus on the dimply fat rolls of other people's lives. However, there is one sticker that pushes me into a cranky red oblivion:

I don't really know why it bothers me so much. Perhaps it's because the people who put these stickers on their cars purportedly have a deep commitment to the outdoors and outdoor activity that Big Bear Lake and Resort are famous for. If, indeed, they are so in touch with Mother Nature, how do they not know the simple difference between BEAR prints:

And DOG prints?

They might as well have a sticker on their window that says "Welcome to Stupidville!"
I also blame the creator of the sticker, whose standards were so lax that they could not even bother to a) check out the official Big Bear logo (seeing as how presumably they'd been there about a squillion times) or b) Google "bear print" before mass-producing emblems for public consumption.
I thought I was only surrounded by intellectual zombies at work. Now I realize that they're with me all the way there and all the way back too.
- People displaying mock-Hawaiian emblems - e.g. hibisci, turtles, sandals, etc. - in a futile attempt to demonstrate how "Hawaiian" they are when in fact they only go there on vacation for a week every two years, during which time they annoy the real Hawaiian natives by being thoroughly ignorant tourists.
- Though not necessarily stickers, flourescent spray paint proclaiming support for snotty preteens and their inconsequential sports teams. They just aren't complete without the requisite heinous spelling and grammar in 6" high lettering: "We love you Ryan! YOUR GRATE!"
- Stick-figure family "self portraits", including dogs. Confidence tricksters around the county rejoice, knowing the full names of all the members of low-IQ households around town.
- RIP memorials to dead people. Were these the people who were so in debt they couldn't afford a proper tombstone for their loved one? Are the ashes in the spare tire compartment?
For the most part, that's as far as it goes: a slight unease at having to focus on the dimply fat rolls of other people's lives. However, there is one sticker that pushes me into a cranky red oblivion:

I don't really know why it bothers me so much. Perhaps it's because the people who put these stickers on their cars purportedly have a deep commitment to the outdoors and outdoor activity that Big Bear Lake and Resort are famous for. If, indeed, they are so in touch with Mother Nature, how do they not know the simple difference between BEAR prints:

And DOG prints?
They might as well have a sticker on their window that says "Welcome to Stupidville!"
I also blame the creator of the sticker, whose standards were so lax that they could not even bother to a) check out the official Big Bear logo (seeing as how presumably they'd been there about a squillion times) or b) Google "bear print" before mass-producing emblems for public consumption.
I thought I was only surrounded by intellectual zombies at work. Now I realize that they're with me all the way there and all the way back too.
sweetie, you should write in a column. forget the IT bs, and go for the new yorker (and then take me with you...)!
Since Casey is getting too old for anything, we took his prints... dipped his little paws in white paint and put it on black paper, just like kids do in kindergarten! Your blog reminded me of that.
Please give Casey a big bear hug from me... :)
Big bear says:
"Who's been commenting on my DWMZ?"
Don't worry, David, Miss T's another leave-the-smelly-corporate-worlder. She's going to be educating the "yoof" of today and tomorrow soon...
Excellent! Have you considered teaching? I could see you holding court in a room of thirty 5-year-olds.
Back to my porridge and honey...
Who says that doesn't happen already?
What are you suggesting? Surely not that trying to communicate with and control toddlers might be good preparation for the world of corporate IT?!
ewww... porridge and honey? you sound like my bloody ex-roommate.
not that sounding like him is a bad thing (I apologize for the negative connotation)....
you should be a teacher, miss potato. educating people in other ways (not that the blog isn't completely commendable) has it's tips. I got one actually from a 9 year old girl: "Miss T, if you want to go on a diet, eat oatmeal." I am assuming it was more out of showing me her pop-culture knowledge than advice, for in her next tip she told me where to find the cheapest gas "cause those prices will just kill *add emphasis* your budget" (corner of Brookhurst and Bolsa by the way).
What do you mean no negative connotation? That comment had a kind of lounging-hairy-legs-akimbo- in-only-a-brazilian-thong-and-a-tiny- robe-on-my-favorite-sofa feel to it...
LOL on the kiddie comment, BTW. Sounds like something I might have said when I was 9 (cringe).
What, we're criticising hairy legs and thongs now are we?
I know when I'm not welcome.
Hey, you're the master of the comment domain here at DWMZ.... We only exist here by your good graces!
hairy legs and thongs are ok... it's the teeny, tiny robe that makes it taboo.
It's as if you can see me!!
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