Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How To Get Rich

I've forgotten about owning my own company. I now aim to appeal to the small creatures who will carry me off to the land beyond the clouds....

Many thanks to David for pulling my iron out of the fire by sending me great material to keep everyone amused (to see it in full size, click on the picture, then zoom in if you're on Firefox, view image full size if you're on Exploder, and too bad so sad if you're on neither).

If you all are very good, David might agree to come on as a guest blogger if he has the time in the next few weeks. All my threads are being utilised at full capacity elsewhere (in a slow spiral of corporate rot) and I would hate to leave you faithful readers with no mindless drivel with which to pad out your most bored moments.

Yes, I do consider myself the packing peanuts of the blogging world. David, however, has much more important things to say about the social care system, vodka, and the North East of England. In that respect, he is much more like the bubble wrap of the blogosphere.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A New Low

Speaking of human dignity, I have lost all of mine. This is what happens when I try to check out my blog on Technorati:

I officially do not exist anymore. Maybe it's time to pack up and turn off the lights.

David Was Right

This morning, I read this article about migrant workers in California whilst scoffing sachertorte and Trader Joe's milk for breakfast.

By the time I reached the end, the crushing sense of unworthiness overwhelmed me. How was I lucky enough to be born into the upper-middle class, to professional parents who cared for nothing but the education of their children, when there are children who sleep 11 to a room while their parents scramble to earn $10,000 in a year?

Only 500 miles separate me from the family described in the story, and it is certain that although they are a particularly grim example of how migrant families live, similar situations are happening in much closer proximity.

I stared at the remains of my recently demolished slice of torte, on lovely wedding china, and looked at the cat. Forget about me, even the lazy live rug has an existence far more luxurious than many humans. Under my scrutiny, she scarpered under the nearest coffee table.

This was a reminder to me of a conversation (in person, would you believe) that we recently had with David, where he posited the question of what we would do with our gifts, genetically inherited or otherwise. Understanding that we have been blessed with innumerable advantages is one thing; putting that knowledge to good use is another.

David and Mrs. David have chosen to clone the advantages they've got by fostering children who simply haven't had the support or resources behind them to make or take the opportunities in the modern world.

As for the rest of us, perhaps being grateful is an excellent first step. There are still some in this nation of brats who still won't deign to step inside a WalMart, much less acknowledge the fact that our lives are a careful balance of fate, effort, and the sweat of others less fortunate than us.

So why, you ask, am I still here, harping on about the seeming trivialities of a cushy corporate life? Good question. A decent answer will take some time, but I reckon that the shame I feel at the broader issue of social inequality is the same shame I wish those who lie, cheat, and intimidate in a work setting would feel. Maybe I'm just trying to find the shreds of human diginity in a world where it doesn't seem to matter anymore.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


A million congratulations to Miss T, who mailed yesterday to say she has just landed a job as a primary school teacher in one of the top schools in the county!

With a newly-minted masters and one of the highest GPAs in her class, it was only a matter of time before she began indoctrinating the yoof of today... And with her wacky sense of humor and a keen intellect, she will hopefully mold a better future for all of us - whether or not they're stupid enough to join the big corporate world decades later...*

What an injection of hope! In her own words:
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS! Even if it gets you into debt (I'm there, for the first time in my life) it is completely worth it to love what you do and be proud of your accomplishments. GO CATCH THE STARS, MY FRIENDS!!!
Problem is, I don't have a dream yet. For now, however, Miss T, your complete and utter glee makes life seem that much more fair.

*Please, Miss T, make them smart enough to earn big bucks but dumb enough to still agree to fund our social security cheques!

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